BATZ Innovation Summit 2020 overview

BATZ Innovation Summit 2020 overview

El pasado 22 de octubre celebrábamos nuestras jornadas de innovación, BATZ Innovation Summit. Una apuesta por generar valor e impulsar el conocimiento a través de la divulgación, que este año cumple su quinta edición consecutiva. Bajo el tópico “La innovación en...

BATZ Innovation Summit 2020 overview

BATZ Innovation Summit 2020 overview

On 22 October we held our innovation day, BATZ Innovation Summit. Our commitment to value generation and knowledge promotion through dissemination, which this year celebrates its fifth consecutive edition. Under the topic "Innovation in changing times", the conference...

Innovation in changing times

Innovation in changing times

The approach to the challenges of the "new mobility" has different views at present. And in all this, innovation stands out as the key tool for tackling them. Under the topic "innovation in changing times", the session will focus on the urban mobility of the future,...

Berrikuntza aldaketa garaietan

Berrikuntza aldaketa garaietan

"Mugikortasun berriaren" erronketara hurbiltzeak begirada desberdinak ditu gaur egun. Eta, honetan, berrikuntza gaiari ekiteko funtsezko tresna bilakatu da. “Berrikuntza aldaketa garaietan” lelopean, saioa etorkizuneko hiri-mugikortasunaren inguruan arituko da, eta...

Innovation in changing times

Innovation in changing times

The approach to the challenges of the "new mobility" has different views at present. And in all this, innovation stands out as the key tool for tackling them. Under the topic "innovation in changing times", the session will focus on the urban mobility of the future,...

La innovación en tiempos de cambio

La innovación en tiempos de cambio

La aproximación a los retos de la “nueva movilidad” tiene diferentes miradas en la actualidad. Y en todo esto, la innovación se erige como la herramienta clave para su abordaje. Bajo el tópico “la innovación en tiempos de cambio”, la sesión versará en torno a la...

GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2019

GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2019

En medio de una situación sin precedentes y marcada por la incertidumbre, recibíamos una magnífica noticia: General Motors reconocía a BATZ Mexicana por su desempeño durante 2019. Este reconocimiento se concede a proveedores que han cumplido y superado las...

GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2019

GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2019

Aurrekaririk gabeko egoera baten erdian, ziurgabetasuna nagusitu den hilabete hauetan, albiste bikain bat jasotzen genuen: General Motors-ek BATZ Mexicana 2019 urtean zehar egindako lana aitortzen zuen. Errekonozimendu hau, errendimenduaren zein kalitatearen...

GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2019

GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2019

During these unprecedented months, we received an excellent new. BATZ Mexicana was recognised on its outstanding performance in 2019 by General Motors. This special award recognition is given to specific top performing supplier manufacturing locations. Suppliers who...

Facing COVID-19  together

Facing COVID-19 together

It is  time to talk about projects, resilience, rebuilding; to return to the spaces and  recover the closeness that we have been deprived of by responsibility. With this commitment, and giving a responsible and adapted response to the situation, at BATZ we are in...