Visit of the Spanish Industry Minister to BATZ Kunshan

Visit of the Spanish Industry Minister to BATZ Kunshan

Automotive sector has been the axis of the institutional travel of the Spanish Industry Minister to China with the aim of establishing a collaborative framework to allow the development of common projects both at commercial and technological level regarding the...

BATZ en el 12 Simposio SAE Brasil

BATZ en el 12 Simposio SAE Brasil

BATZ ha estado presente en el 12º Simposio SAE Brasil de nuevos materiales y aplicaciones de movilidad celebrado los pasados 4 y 5 de junio en Sao Paulo. Durante el mismo, BATZ ha compartido su experiencia en materialescomposite con fibra larga y sus tecnologías de...

BATZ en el 12 Simposio SAE Brasil

BATZ, SAE Brasil Sinposioan

BATZ, SAE Brasilek mobilitateanmaterial berriek dutenaplikazioaren inguruanantolatutako sinposioan parte hartu du. Horrela, BATZek konposite material aurreratuetan daukan ezagutza aurkeztu du, hala nola, material hauek transformatzeko erabiltzen dituen teknologiak,...

BATZ en el 12 Simposio SAE Brasil

BATZ at 12th SAE Brasil Simposium

BATZ has been present at the12 SAE Brasil Symposium on new materials and their application in mobility taking place in Sao Paulo from June 4th to 5th. During the event, BATZ has shared it expertise in advanced composite materials and our transformation technologies,...

Jaguar Land Rover reconoce a BATZ como uno de sus mejores proveedores globales

BATZ Jaguar Land Rover gold supplier award jaso du

BATZ Jaguar LandRover-ek ematen duen sari nagusiena jaso zuen pasadan maiatzak 14ean Coventry (Erresuma Batuan) egin zen “SupplierExcellence Award” ekitaldian. Errekonozimendu hauek auto ekoizle britaniarrak dauzkan 3.500 hornitzaile guztietatik 15ek soilik jasotzen...

Jaguar Land Rover reconoce a BATZ como uno de sus mejores proveedores globales

Jaguar Land Rover recognises Batz for its outstanding performance

BATZ received the Gold Supplier Excellence Award, the highest prize that Jaguar Land Rover gives to its top suppliers, during the company’s annual Supplier Excellence Awards event, hold in UK on May 14th. These awards celebrate the extraordinary contribution to Jaguar...