Berrikuntza aerodinamika aktiboaren arloan BATZen eskutik
BATZ Automotive Active Aerodynamic Innovation Summit” izeneko jardunaldiak ehun bat profesional batu zituen, guztiak ere automozioaren industrian dihardutenak
Cita con la innovación en aerodinámica activa.
The “Batz. Automotive Active Aerodynamic Innovation Summit” conference gathers nearly a hundred professionals from the automotive sector.
BATZ Automotive Active Aerodynamic Innovation Summit 2018
The networking forum where the main actors in the automotive sector meet and identify the challenges and opportunities in active aerodynamics
BATZ at the IZB 2018
BATZ will be present at the International Suppliers Fair- IZB 2018, taking place from October 16th to 18th in Wolfsburg (Germany).
BATZ en el IZB 2018
BATZ estará presente en la International Suppliers Fais – IZB 2018 del 16 al 18 de octubre en Wolfsburg (Alemania).
BATZ Wolfsburg (Alemanian) egiten den International Suppliers Fair- IZB 20ferian parte hartuko du urriak 16tik 18ra.
BATZ Zamudio, Groupe PSA Best Plant Excellence Award 2017.
BATZ Zamudio received Group PSA Supplier Best Plant Excellence Award 2017 from the Quality Development and Industrial Operation VPs of the French OEM
BATZ Zamudio Best Plant Excellence Award 2017 de Groupe PSA
BATZ Zamudio recibió el galardón Supplier Best Plant Excellence Award 2017 de Groupe PSA por su excelencia en la gestión así como su compromiso con PSA.
BATZ Zamudio, Group PSA BEST Plant Excellence Award 2017
BATZ Zamudiok Groupe PSAren Supplier Best Plant Excellence Award 2017 saria jaso du. Saria galiar enpresako kalitate eta garapen arduradun nagusienen eskutik hartu zuen pasa den eguaztenean, irailak 19, egin zen ekitaldian Vigon.
BATZ Kunshan, General Motors Co. Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2017
BATZ Kunshan has received the General Motors Co. Supplier Quality Excellence Award for achieving the highest levels of performance in quality excellence in 2017. This award recognizes BATZ Kunshan as a top performing manufacturing site worldwidefor meeting the very...