Euskaraldiaren aurtengo edizioan, gutako bakoitzak “ahobizi” edo “belarriprest” rola aukeratzeaz gain, BATZ osoan 8 “ARIGUNE” izango ditu, euskaraz lasai haritzeko. Gogo handiz ari gara azaroaren 18an hasiko da eta abenduaren 2an bukatuko den Euskaraldian parte hartzen.
BATZ is engaged in the Euskaraldia initiative, not only as individuals taking the role of “ahobizi” or “belarriprest”, but also 8 groups, named “ARIGUNE”, that is, a place where the continuous possibility of having conversations in Basque language is guaranteed. Euskaraldia takes place from the 18th of November until the 2th of December.
Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero / You can find more information in: