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BATZ Group

Meeting your challenges

Our expertise

Lighter, smarter, cleaner.

Innovation as a teamwork

Developing sustainable solutions


Make the difference with us

BATZ’s Brake by Wire

Experience the future of braking: Introducing BATZ's Brake-by-Wire pedal technology. Precision. Control. Innovation. Developed after months of meticulous research, BATZ has introduced an innovative braking system that sets new standards for precision and control. By...

Feria de Empleo de Arratia, una magnífica oportunidad

BATZen tokiko talentuan eta gure eskualdeak eskaintzen dituen aukeretan sinesten dugu. Horregatik, gaur, azaroaren 29an ospatzen den Arratiako II. Enplegu Azokan egongo gara. Lehen edizioan arrakasta handia izan zuen ekimen honek Arratiako gazte talentuekin konektatu...