BATZ Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Summit 2019

BATZ Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Summit 2019

Catch up with the latest trends in automotive advanced manufacturing. BATZ Automotive Advanced Manufacturing Summit, the innovation forum where the automotive ecosystem meet and identify the challenges and opportunities of disruptive technology-driven trends for...

BATZ Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Summit 2019

BATZ Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Summit 2019

Catch up with the latest trends in automotive advanced manufacturing. BATZ Automotive Advanced Manufacturing Summit, the innovation forum where the automotive ecosystem meet and identify the challenges and opportunities of disruptive technology-driven trends for...

BATZ shares breakthroughs in automotive lightweighting

BATZ shares breakthroughs in automotive lightweighting

Levering in our expertise in lightweight technologies, BATZ will be present at the 3rd China International Vehicles Lightweight Forum 2019, the industry´s leading communication platform in that country to be held next September in Shanghai.

BATZ at the automotive thematic session in MATCOMP´19 Congress

BATZ at the automotive thematic session in MATCOMP´19 Congress

BATZ participatesin the automotive thematic session within the XIII Composite Materials Congress- MATCOMP´19, taking place in Vigo (Spain) from July 3rd to 5th. Sharing session with FORD, PSA and Plastic Omnium, BATZ is explaining its lightweighting initiatives...

BATZ at the automotive thematic session in MATCOMP´19 Congress

BATZ automozioaren inguruko saioan MATCOMP´19 kongresuan

BATZ automozioaren inguruko espezializazio-saioan hartzen du parte, Vigon uztailak 3tik 5era egiten den XIII Material Konposatuen Kongresuaren barne (MATCOMP´19). FORD, PSA eta Plastic Omnium enpresekin banatuko duen emanaldian, eta “Affordable Lightweight...

BATZ at the automotive thematic session in MATCOMP´19 Congress

BATZ en la sesión temática de automoción durante MATCOMP¨19

BATZ participa en la sesión temática sobre automoción enmarcada en el XIII Congreso Nacional de Materiales Compuestos – MATCOMP’19, que tendrá lugar en Vigo del 3 al 5 de julio de 2019. Compartiendo mesa con FORD, PSA, Plastic Omnium, y bajo el título “Affordable...

BATZ at the automotive thematic session in MATCOMP´19 Congress

BATZ at the automotive thematic session in MATCOMP´19 Congress

BATZ participatesin the automotive thematic session within the XIII Composite Materials Congress- MATCOMP´19, taking place in Vigo (Spain) from July 3rd to 5th. Sharing session with FORD, PSA and Plastic Omnium, BATZ is explaining its lightweighting initiatives...