BATZ Inclusive State Recognition 2019 in Mexico

BATZ Inclusive State Recognition 2019 in Mexico

BATZ Mexicana received on December 3 the Inclusive State Recognition 2019 from the governor of the state of San Luis Potosí, during the event held within the framework of International Disability Day. This award, granted by the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare...

BATZ Inclusive State Recognition 2019 in Mexico

BATZ recibe el Reconocimiento Estatal Incluyente 2019 en México

BATZ Mexicana recibió el pasado 3 de diciembre el Reconocimiento Estatal Incluyente 2019 de manos del gobernador del estado de San Luis Potosí, durante un acto celebrado en el marco del Día Internacional de la Discapacidad. Este premio, que otorgan la Secretaria de...

BATZ Inclusive State Recognition 2019 in Mexico

BATZ, 2019ko Enpresa Inklusibo Estatu Aitorpena jasotzen du Mexikon

BATZ Mexicanak 2019ko Enpresa inklusibo Estatu Aitorpena jaso zuen abenduaren 3an San Luis Potosi estatuko gobernadorearen eskutik, Desgaitasunaren Nazioarteko Egunaren baitan egindako ekitaldi batean. Laneko eta Gizarte Aurreikuspeneko eta Familiaren Garapen...

BATZ Inclusive State Recognition 2019 in Mexico

BATZ Inclusive State Recognition 2019 in Mexico

BATZ Mexicana received on December 3 the Inclusive State Recognition 2019 from the governor of the state of San Luis Potosí, during the event held within the framework of International Disability Day. This award, granted by the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare...

Appointment with the innovation for the 4.0 transformation of the industry

Cita con la transformación 4.0 en BATZ Innovation Summit

La irrupción de nuevas tendencias en el sector de automoción está definiendo la actualidad de esta industria y planteando nuevos escenarios con un elemento común: la transformación 4.0. Y es este camino hacia la industria avanzada, sus retos y oportunidades, lo que se...

Appointment with the innovation for the 4.0 transformation of the industry

4.0 eraldaketarekin hitzordua BATZ Innovation Summit-en

Automobilgintza sektorean joera berriak agertu izanak industria hornn gaurkotasuna definitzen ari da, eta eszenatoki berriak planteatzen, elementu komun batekin: 4.0 eraldaketa. Eta industria aurreraturako bide horri heldu zitzaion, haren erronkei eta aukerei, joan...

BATZ Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Summit 2019

BATZ Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Summit 2019

Catch up with the latest trends in automotive advanced manufacturing. BATZ Automotive Advanced Manufacturing Summit, the innovation forum where the automotive ecosystem meet and identify the challenges and opportunities of disruptive technology-driven trends for...

BATZ Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Summit 2019

BATZ Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Summit 2019

Catch up with the latest trends in automotive advanced manufacturing. BATZ Automotive Advanced Manufacturing Summit, the innovation forum where the automotive ecosystem meet and identify the challenges and opportunities of disruptive technology-driven trends for...