GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2019
During these unprecedented months, we received an excellent new. BATZ Mexicana was recognised on its outstanding performance in 2019 by General Motors. This special award recognition is given to specific top performing supplier manufacturing locations. Suppliers who...
Facing COVID-19 together
It is time to talk about projects, resilience, rebuilding; to return to the spaces and recover the closeness that we have been deprived of by responsibility. With this commitment, and giving a responsible and adapted response to the situation, at BATZ we are in...
Facing COVID-19 together
It is time to talk about projects, resilience, rebuilding; to return to the spaces and recover the closeness that we have been deprived of by responsibility. With this commitment, and giving a responsible and adapted response to the situation, at BATZ we are in...
COVID-19aren aurrean BATZen
Proiektuez, erresilientziaz, berreraiketaz, gure espazioetara itzultzeaz eta erantzukizunagatik galdu dugun gertutasun hori berreskuratzeaz hitz egiteko garaia da. Konpromiso horrekin, eta egoerari erantzun arduratsua eta egokitua emanez, BATZen etengabeko...
Juntos y juntas frente a la COVID-19
Es momento de hablar de proyectos, de resiliencia, de reconstruir, de retornar a esos espacios y recuperar esa cercanía de la que nos hemos visto privados por responsabilidad. Con este compromiso, y dando una respuesta responsable y adaptada a la situación, en BATZ...
BATZ Group COVID-19ari aurre eginez
COVID 19 pandemiarekin bizitzen ari garen egoera aurre egin diezaiokegun larritasun eta konplexutasun handieneko erronka dugu. BATZ-en denbora damaratzagu Txinako plantetan berarekin elkarbizitzen eta berari aurre egiten. Zorionez, herrialde honetako plantetan...
BATZ GROUP determined to face COVID-19
The situation we are experiencing with the COVID 19 pandemic is the most serious and complex challenge faced so far. At BATZ we have spent weeks getting alone with and facing the gravity of the situation at our plants in China. Fortunately, in this country they are...
BATZ GROUP determined to face COVID-19
The situation we are experiencing with the COVID 19 pandemic is the most serious and complex challenge faced so far. At BATZ we have spent weeks getting alone with and facing the gravity of the situation at our plants in China. Fortunately, in this country they are...
BATZ GROUP frente a la pandemia causada por el COVID-19
La situación que estamos viviendo con la pandemia COVID 19, es el reto de mayor gravedad y complejidad a la que podemos enfrentarnos. En BATZ llevamos semanas conviviendo y enfrentándonos a la gravedad de la situación desde nuestras plantas en China. Afortunadamente...
BATZek konponbide jasangarrien aldeko apustua aurkezten du
BATZen urteak daramatzagu IRAUNKORTASUN kontzeptua gure produktuen portfolioan izendatzaile komun gisa txertatzen. 2006-2008 bitartean, aitzindariak izan ginen Euskadin, gure produktuek ingurumenean duten eragina hobetzeko ekodiseinu metodología oinarrituz. Esate...